The Mosaic Course began as a seminar series: ‘Jesus: the Only Way,’ offered by Dr. Mathew P. John in churches, university campuses and public venues.
As demand for the series increased, he recruited a team of Christian scholars from various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds and launched a booklet series on Christian response to world religions. The project was later rebranded as the Mosaic Course, assimilating the content of the booklets into online course modules.

Dr. John P. Bowen is the Professor of Evangelism at Wycliffe College, at the University of Toronto. He is the author of Evangelism for ‘Normal’ People, The Spirituality of Narnia, Growing Up Christian, and the editor of The Missionary Letters of Vincent Donovan.

Dr. Thomas (In-Sing) Leung is the president of the Culture Regeneration Research Society and the Editor-in-Chief of Cultural China Quarterly. He was recognized as one of the 2000 scholars of influence in the 20th century by Cambridge University.

Dr. Joshua Thambiraj is an Orthopedic Surgeon by profession. He grew up in a Hindu environment and is currently involved in medical missions in India and Africa. He is the author of ‘A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions and Beliefs.’

Mona Scrivens is a first-generation Christian from a Sikh family. She is an ordained minister, a conference speaker and has appeared on numerous television programs. She is currently pursuing a PhD program in Theology at the University of Toronto.

Mohammad (Sam) Nasser was born into an orthodox Muslim family in Iran. Though trained as a Civil Engineer in the US, he is currently involved in full-time ministry as the Pastor of The Mohabat Church in Toronto, Canada.

Maria Short is a first-generation Christian from a Jewish family, who immigrated to Israel from Russia. She is an accomplished professional with a Masters degree in Aerospace Engineering, trained by the European Space Agency.

Dan Stephenson is a lawyer who handles complex civil trials in technology cases. He has an Engineering degree from UCLA and a Law degree from the University of Michigan. He is a world champion masters swimmer and the author of a novel, The Underwater Window.

Dr. Mathew P John is originally an Electrical Engineer who pursued a successful corporate career before switching from ‘technology to theology’ with a Masters degree in Theological Studies from the University of Toronto and a PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary, USA.
Gary Montecullo
Chief of Police, Glendale
Dan Stephenson
Lawyer of Corporate Litigations, KL Gates, LA
Dr. Alan Yamada
Urologist, Arcadia
Dave Clifford
Asst. Deputy Minister, Province of Ontario
Al Lindstrom
Director of International Sales, MVS Solutions
Dr. Liesly Lee
Neurologist, Sunnybrook & University of Toronto